All pictures are courtesy of Michael Adams.

This is the first window on the river side.
It depicts a chalice and loaf of bread which, of course, represent the Eucharistic Banquet we are about to receive.
The window is in memory of William F. Scanlon.

The second window on the river side depicts Manna from heaven which fed the Israelites as they wandered in the desert.
(Exodus 16:13-36)
Just so, Christ’s body and blood feed us as we wander in this life.
This window is dedicated to the memory of the Fehring and Hahn families.

The third window on the river side shows a raven with food in its mouth.
This represents the ravens who, at God’s command, fed Elijah in the desert after God told him to flee. (1 Kings 17:4)
We should remember that when God calls us, He will provide for us as we do His will.

This window is at the top of the steps in the balcony. In it are three white lilies which represent purity, innocence, and piety.
Our Blessed Virgin Mary is often depicted with lilies.
Lilies remind us of God’s eternal gifts and care for us just as He clothes the “lilies of the field” (Luke 12:27).
This window is dedicated to the Broeman and Wuebold Families.

In the very center of the highest point inside the church, is God’s Eye also called the “all-seeing eye”. It looks out upon the entire church as well as the entrance outside.
The compass rose reminds us that God is watching over the four corners of the world. The triangle represents the Holy Trinity.

Located behind the organ in the balcony, this window says, “Ave Maria” (Hail Mary). It is both a call for her intercession and a reminder that we hold her in great reverence. The words come from God (Luke 1:28) and so we are confident to call her our Mother and God’s favored One.
In memory of the Myron Terrell Family.

The window in the cry room shows the barley loaves and the fishes which were blessed by Jesus and fed 5,000 people (Mark 6:38-44).
We are reminded again that all things are possible with God and that His abundance is limitless. We should listen to Him and He will care for us.
This window is in memory of Rose and George Deimling.

Grapes are “fruit of the vine” and the wine that is made from them is “work of human hands.” As Jesus is the vine and we the branches, His presence within us is increased each time we drink of His blood.
This third window on the Kellogg side is in memory of the Koehler and Ruhoff Families.

The second window from the front on the Kellogg side is a picture of wheat which earth is giving and from it human hands make bread. It is the bread which becomes for us the Body of Christ which we eat in joy. Let us always remember that life giving bread which will help lead us to heaven.
This window is in memory of Ronnie Nazzarine.